Creature Gravette Nightlife Pro 8.3in x 32.2in Skateboard Deck

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  • Regular price $67.95

Gravette's new Nightlife Pro-1 Off Now on Stage! This guy's obsession is teetering on the border of bestiality... The fact remains, this sweet little fishy on Grav's OG 8.3" popsicle shape is sure to lure in some keepers in the streets. Comes with included blue rubber fishing lure. Art by Drew Wilson.

7 ply North American Maple pressed individually using epoxy - making a strong, responsive deck with long lasting pop and consistent concave and kick.

ATV is a universal medium-depth concave with symmetrical nose and tail kick that performs well in all terrains on a wide variety of shapes - for anybody, anywhere.

All decks come with NO GRIP.